Foster Father Of The Son Of God
Jun 04, 2021
St. Joseph, may you spiritually adopt all of us!
Join the St. Joseph Summit Prayer Team! We want to ensure someone is praying every day leading up to the Summit. You are welcome to commit to as many days to pray on our prayer calendar for the St. Joseph Summit as you like.
Visit this link to sign up:
Examples of prayer: offer a rosary that day, your mass intentions, or do a partial fast.
Prayer for the week of Friday, June 4th - Thursday, June 10th:
We implore you, St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God!
Visit this link to sign up:
Examples of prayer: offer a rosary that day, your mass intentions, or do a partial fast.
Prayer for the week of Friday, June 4th - Thursday, June 10th:
We implore you, St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God!
We pray for St. Joseph to spiritually adopt the conference, all the speakers, organizers, and those attending.
We appreciate your service of prayer to cover this summit with intercession.
Visit to register today to attend OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER: Pilgrimage to the Heart of Saint Joseph this Sept 30-Oct3, and be sure to invite your friends and family. Together, let's pilgrimage to the heart of Saint Joseph! Saint Joseph, pray for us!
#YearOfSaintJoseph #SaintJosephsummit #saintjosephprayerteam #StJoseph #SaintJoseph #SpiritualFather
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