Joseph, Pillar of Family Life
Aug 20, 2021
St. Joseph, you are a model of family life. You know what it's like to be the leader of a family. You know the day-to-day joys and trials that come with family life. St. Joseph, help us to always have love, devotion, and patience for our families. Help us to always know the pivotal role of family life in our world. St. Joseph, please heal and protect the families in our world.
Prayer for the week of Friday, August 20th - Thursday, August 26th:
We implore you, St. Joseph, Pillar of Family Life!
We pray for protection over all the families of the speakers, organizers, and those attending.
We appreciate your service of prayer to cover this summit with intercession.
Join the St. Joseph Summit Prayer Team! Email: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
#familylife #family #home #father #fatherhood #StJoseph #YearOfSaintJoseph
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