St. Joseph, Obedient and Loyal!
Jul 09, 2021
St. Joseph, help us to be obedient and loyal like you. Your example is great in obedience to God. God directed you and spoke to you in dreams, and you obeyed. St. Joseph, help us to be docile to the instructions and will of God.
Prayer for the week of Friday, July 2nd - Thursday, July 8th:
We implore you, St. Joseph, Obedient and Loyal!
We pray for the organizers and speakers of the Summit to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and His inspirations.
We appreciate your service of prayer to cover this Summit with intercession.
Join the St. Joseph Summit Prayer Team! Email: [email protected]
Visit to register today to attend OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER: Pilgrimage to the Heart of Saint Joseph this Sept 30-Oct 3, and be sure to invite your friends and family. Together, let's pilgrimage to the heart of Saint Joseph! Saint Joseph, pray for us!
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#family#togetherness #familyprayer #YearOfSaintJoseph #SaintJosephsummit #saintjosephprayerteam
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