I Thirst Los Angeles Pentecost is an exciting Holy Spirit Adventure.
All are invited to participate in any part of the event.
I Thirst Pentecost is special
Event Schedule/Calendario de eventos:
The day will begin with Morning Mass at 8:00AM Followed by
Music Ministry (English)
Inspiring Preaching, Exhortation, Teaching and Demonstration of God's goodness. English
Lunch for purchase by parish ministries
More Inspiring Preaching, Exhortation, Teaching and Demonstration of God's goodness. English
Spanish Track 6:30PM
La Música
Predicación Inspiradora,
Exhortación, Enseñanza y
Demostración del amor de DiosDescansar
Más predicaciones inspiradoras, exhortaciones,
enseñanzas y demostraciones del amor de Dios
Adoración Eucarística 12AM-5AM
Sunday May 28: Holy Mass/Santa Misa 5AM